The school will take place in the spaces provided by the Ericelab organization located in Erice, Sicily (Italy).

Ericelab – Laboratory for Advanced Studies

Ericelab is a nonprofit organization that was created with the purpose of holding educational and training courses in advanced studies at the graduate and postgraduate levels. Among the Association’s expressed institutional goals are: to contribute to the social, cultural and economic growth of the Agro-Erician territory through the promotion and the creation of initiatives in the fields of research, training and advanced studies projects. In particular, the Association supports and promotes “educational modules, training courses, orientation and specialization”.

Local arrangements

Accommodations for scientists and students participating in the activities of Ericelab are located in the medieval town of Erice, Sicily (situated on a mountain top overlooking the City of Trapani, 751 meters above sea level) utilizing the Villa San Giovanni complex, previously a clerical summer residence but now predisposed for conferences and cultural manifestations.  The main building, with its simple and sober lodgings, is immersed in a beautiful garden adjacent to the forested area of Mount Erice and has a spacious dining room seating up to 120 persons which offers a magnificent view of the Mediterranean Sea, Mount Cofano and the verdant vineyards and olive orchards of the surrounding valley.  The Workshop room (located in front of the main building) seats 60 persons (a larger lecture hall is available at the Sant’Antonio Church a short distance from the Villa San Giovanni Complex). All of the rooms (single and double occupancy with private shower) have been recently renovated.  Additional lodgings are also available in the medieval historical center at the “Hotel Moderno” (3 stars) and other lodgings, within a short walking distance of Villa San Giovanni.

Fees for participating in the activities of Ericelab include: full board and lodging from the evening of arrival to the morning of departure, an organized bus transfer from the Palermo airport to Erice on the official day of arrival and from Erice to the Palermo airport on the official day of departure and an organized excursion to major historical/archaeological/naturalistic sites of Western Sicily.  Breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks are served daily at Villa San Giovanni.  The evening meal is served in a number of selected restaurants in the historical center of Erice.

Accompanying persons will be charged a reduced rate which will also cover the cost of the course excursion and social events during the meeting.

For further information please contact:

Dott.ssa Pinola Savalli (President Ericelab)
Via Albertina degli Abati, 13 – 91016 Erice
P.IVA 02006250811
Tel: 3204988468, 3496151898